I saw a post in a local mums facebook group recently.

It read


“Does anyone feel like they are not doing as well as everyone else around them?

My husband and I earn good money, we have a 4 bedroom home with a big backyard, and decent cars. We have a couple of holidays a year and save a little. But everyone around us seems to have huge new homes, crazy expensive cars, long holidays. Im wondering what we are doing wrong”

My heart flipped.

Because my honeys, this is not the way we measure how “right” we are doing life.

You might look to your left neighbour and notice their huge home, flashy cars, swanky outfits and think “Man They are doing so much better than I am”

You might look to your right neighbor and notice their home needs some tending to, you might smugly think “Well at least Im doing better than them!”

However you are only seeing a minute glimpse into the entire picture.

And lets not forget the wildly different circumstances we are all moving through.

We are not here to impress our neighbours.

We are not here to tick boxes off our wealth lists.

We are not here to complete the same task as anyone else.

We all have such unique soul missions that will mean our lives and our life experiences are so vastly different.

So how do we know that we are doing life right?

if we don’t have external markers making us feel good about our decisions?

Because even when you’re getting life right – its still not always going to be feel good! We are always going to go through shitstorms, heartache, grief, loss, sadness. overwhelm.

But we can also embrace joy, laughter, pleasure and happiness interwoven with our journey, no matter what happens.

The answer: we must deeply get to know ourselves and what is important to us.

When we prioritise what is truly important to us, we will live our lives without regret.

The key is clarity.

Need help interweaving joy, pleasure, happiness and laughter into your current journey?

Grab a session with me babe. x

Limited spots available.



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