Getting the Money Honey – Audio Trainings


The following three weeks focus on getting the money honey. INSTANT DOWNLOAD audio trainings
Where the Maths Meets the Magic – How to price your services, how to set income goals, what that actually looks like in the real world, versus a dream fabrication. What is VIABLE to you and for you right now and how can you maximise your income in your current life circumstances.
Getting PAID Sis! – How you are cockblocking yourself from receiving money from your clients. Simple steps that I have identified over 12 years of business, that will QUADRoPLE  your income easily. From payment systems, to getting booked whilst you sleep.
Non Icky Sticky Salesman Selling Techniques –  how to sell without feeling like a used car salesman. In a way that feels aligned and natural to you, whilst allowing your clients to easily buy your services


The following three weeks focus on getting the money honey.  INSTANT DOWNLOAD
Where the Maths Meets the Magic – How to price your services, how to set income goals, what that actually looks like in the real world, versus a dream fabrication. What is VIABLE to you and for you right now and how can you maximise your income in your current life circumstances.
Getting PAID Sis! – How you are cockblocking yourself from receiving money from your clients. Simple steps that I have identified over 12 years of business, that will QUADRUPLE  your income easily. From payment systems, to getting booked whilst you sleep.
Non Icky Sticky Salesman Selling Techniques –  how to sell without feeling like a used car salesman. In a way that feels aligned and natural to you, whilst allowing your clients to easily buy your services