Are you getting left behind?
I saw a post in a local mums facebook group recently. It read . “Does anyone feel like they are not doing as well as everyone else around them? My husband and I earn good money, we have a 4 bedroom home with a big backyard, and decent cars. We have a couple of holidays […]
Meeting Challenges with Grace and Playfulness
As I sat on the beach and watched the sunrise this morning, I pulled out my neglected journal and wrote out the thoughts and musings as they entered my mind. A line that stuck out for me today, was “how can I meet my challenges with grace and playfulness?” My fight and/or flight mode has […]
He Rated His Wife 6 out of 10 – Do You Think She Overreacted?
I came across an instagram post titled ” I broke my wife and I don’t know how to fix it!” I was intrigued and procrastinating so I flicked onto the next slide. To paraphrase, this man was having a conversation at a party and he mentioned to his single friend, that the single man’s priorities […]
Are you the problem? I was
Youre the problem Janelle – she said. Those words you never want to hear but probably need to. A memory popped up on my phone today, it showed the moment when Johnny my 6 year old lab, finally accepted Daphne the chocolate lab puppy. It had been a month of turmoil. John wanted to kill […]
My Values in Business (and life)
Across the years I’ve run many businesses but my values have always remained the same. I seek to work with clients who hold the same values. So here they are on full display. 🔥 Authenticity 🔥 Showing up authentically is my jam. I’ve walked the path of hiding my failures, insecurities and worries and I […]
Step Down Mumma Warrior
Today my boy had a high school tour and meeting with the year level coordinator. As we toured the school, I felt my breath catching in my throat. I kept looking at him, seeing how he was reacting with the big school, the talk of the rules etc and he was fine. Totally chillen 😎. […]
I let go this morning.
This morning I let go of something that has been weighing on me heavily for years. In March 2020, we got the news that all events were cancelled indefinitely due to the most offensive C word I’ve ever heard. Cue instant panic for our household. We were running an events company that we worked tirelessly […]
How to Manifest Magically – with a vision board
How to use a vision board to magically manifest! If you’re anything like me, you probably associate vision boards with sales-y type jobs; you might imagine them to be full of images of cars and money! I had not thought of a vision board since I worked in Real Estate 18 years ago! That is, […]
Revisited – An Open Letter to The Woman Who Judged My Parenting at Coles
As I was looking through my old website, I came across this blog written in 2016. It was an open letter to a woman at Coles who judged my parenting. As I read through my words, which I will include below, I want to race back in time and give that 30 year old version […]
Business Confidence! How to find the confidence to put yourself out there?
How Can I Get Confident Enough to Grow My Business? So this is a question I am asked quite often!“Janelle, how can I find the confidence to put myself out there?” The simple answer is more doing – less thinking. The only way to succeed in business is to take action. In my role as […]